Bandai Namco Entertainment, the Japanese game publisher known for entries such as Elden Ring, Dark Souls trilogy, and Pac-Man, have invested in Pune-based developer SuperGaming. The...
Twitter has begun rolling out a Bookmark counts alongside the number of Retweets, Quotes, and Likes displayed on each tweet. The count will display the number...
Panasonic already has some great full-frame mirrorless cameras in the market but its new Lumix S5 II finally adds a very important feature that everyone has...
A Zero Knowledge (ZK) protocol is a privacy-first verification method that allows two parties to engage without having to reveal any personal information to complete the...
ChatGPT Plus, a subscription plan for the AI-based ChatGPT created by OpenAI, is now available to users in India. Subscribers gain access to the service even...
Understanding Taylor Swift’s marketing requires a degree in locating and analyzing “easter eggs” in every photo, lyric or performance the megastar releases. So when eager fans...
NEW YORK — Lance Reddick, a character actor who specialized in intense, icy and possibly sinister authority figures on TV and film, including “The Wire,” “Fringe”...
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Producer Code Kunst arguably one of the most well-known artists in South Korea’s thriving music scene, a rarity in a country...