Get To Know Our Team: Evie – Game Release Support Manager


Well, barely three months after I started at Microsoft, they closed all of the Specialty Kiosks. I lost my job. I was seriously so devastated. The remaining Microsoft “full-line” store in my city only had a single spot on their team available at the time, and everyone I knew that got let go applied for it. For some reason, I just knew that my story with Microsoft wasn’t finished yet, so I applied for it too. I really hoped that they’d see my passion/potential and give me a shot despite only being with the company for a few months. Thankfully they did, and I got the role!

Then, less than a year later in March 2020, all the physical Microsoft Stores permanently closed due to COVID. All retail folks were moved to digital sales, which I did for about a year and a half while I was finishing school. About a month before I graduated, they opened a nationwide offer for 10 people to join Team Xbox. There were hundreds and hundreds of people that applied, and I was able to be one of those lucky 10!