Summary Blindfire’s ‘Race to Kill’ update launches November 21 on Xbox Series X|S and Windows. This action-packed update introduces the Kill Race game mode, two expansive...
“Flexibility in combat actions was always a goal for us,” adds Gameplay Director Gabe Paramo. “In terms of weapons, you can expect anywhere from a one-hit...
The European Space Agency’s (ESA) Solar Orbiter spacecraft has delivered the most detailed images of the sun’s surface to date. These images, taken in March 2023...
Efforts to create a comprehensive map of all human cells have taken a significant leap forward. Researchers associated with the Human Cell Atlas (HCA), a global...
A new study highlights the critical role of the Irminger Sea, located off southeastern Greenland, in maintaining the strength of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)....
Mars’ two moons, Phobos and Deimos, could have originated from the debris of an asteroid torn apart by the planet’s gravity, according to recent simulations. Research...
Honda Motor aims to double the driving range of electric vehicles (EVs) by late 2020s using all-solid-state battery technology. Keiji Otsu, President of Honda R&D, announced...
The British luxury car manufacturer, Jaguar, has revealed its new corporate logo and preliminary images of its first all-electric vehicle. The redesigned logo represents departure from...
Hyundai has introduced its new flagship Ioniq 9, a three-row SUV in the luxury electric mobility segment. The company has revealed that the EV will make...