The romantic-comedy series Half Love Half Arranged returns with its second season on Amazon MX Player. Following the popularity of its first season, the creators have...
Prime Video India has released the teaser for Agni, a groundbreaking film centred on firefighters. Directed by Rahul Dholakia, the movie features Pratik Gandhi, Divyenndu, Saiyami...
Secret, the Malayalam psychological thriller directed by S.N. Swamy, is set to make its OTT debut. The film, which hit theatres on July 26, 2024, garnered...
The second season of Vera Mari Office is on the Aha OTT platform. This Tamil-language horror-comedy series has garnered attention for its unique blend of supernatural...
The Tamil drama film Nandhan, starring M. Sasikumar, is set to make its debut on Aha Tamil following its theatrical release in September 2024 and an...
Samsung is expected to unveil its Galaxy S25 series in the first half of next year. Several reports have claimed that all models in the Galaxy S25 lineup...
The European Banking Authority (EBA) is ramping up its regulatory oversight of the crypto sector. In a recent development, the EBA has issued two detailed sets...
Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra and select models which have been plagued by the infamous green-line issue will be eligible for a one-time screen replacement at authorised...