This week, among the Indian originals, we have anthology-style drama Sharmajee Ki Beti and Nawazuddin Siddiqui’s hilarious murder mystery Rautu Ka Raaz. The former focuses on...
Bharti Airtel and Reliance Jio have now revised the pricing of their range of prepaid and postpaid plans in the country, effective from July 03, 2024....
OpenAI published a study about a new artificial intelligence (AI) model on Thursday that can catch GPT-4’s mistakes in code generation. The AI firm stated that...
The central bank of Bolivia has decided to lift a ban on payments using Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies imposed in 2014. The country is aiming to...
Character.AI on Thursday introduced a new feature that will let users “call” a chatbot. These AI chatbots, also known as Characters, can be programmed to behave...
Truecaller announced an insurance protection plan to protect users against mobile frauds on Thursday. The plan, dubbed Truecaller Fraud Insurance, is being offered to the paid...
Google Translate received a big upgrade on Thursday and will now support an additional 110 languages. The new languages were added with the assistance of artificial...